Professional Services
We provide conflict resolution services and advice to those who want to move on from an existing conflict – and those who want to save the time, money and stress of conflict by managing issues before they escalate. We offer a range of different packages so that you can get the support you need, in the best way for you.
We offer a free, 30-minute consultation with Pip, Conflict Insights’ founder. Based on this, we will suggest an approach using one or more of the packages of resolution support below.
Packages can be combined to provide a tailored solution to you. For example, we may propose a half-day mediation, either in person, or using Zoom. Or, those involved may benefit from conflict coaching, followed by a more formal mediation day. Or, we could propose that your team would benefit from a conflict-resolution workshop, followed by series of shorter resolution support sessions for those in a more challenging, conflict situation.
We will work creatively and flexibly to support you and your teams in addressing what is causing issues and help everyone move on.
Conflict Resolution Packages
Conflict resolution packages give you a bespoke blend of conflict and dispute resolution advice, facilitation, mediation, conflict coaching – discussed and agreed with you.
Pip will speak to those involved in the conflict separately and privately. The objective of the initial calls is to listen and understand what is at the heart of the issues. If appropriate, and in due course, Pip may suggest a joint call or meeting with those involved, if everyone is content to take part. This meeting allows the parties to hear directly from each other about the issue from the other perspective, and the impact is has had on each. It also gives people a chance to be heard, which can be a very powerful step in the resolution process.
If a joint call or meeting is not suitable, Pip will continue to support each person involved, listening and talking to identify what change would be needed for each to move on.
At the end of the package, where it has been possible to resolve the issues, Pip will support those involved to produce an agreement, recording the agreed actions. Pip also provides follow-up support, with a further call to each person involved after a month has passed.
The package includes:
- Reasonable preparation and pre-reading
- Individual calls of up to one hour
- Remote support is delivered via Zoom or telephone
- In-person support includes travel time of up to 1 hour
- Follow-up call with those involved after one month.
The packages are
Can be tailored to your requirements
We can adjust the approach during the package to ensure we continue to give you the best service
Allows those involved to be supported in a way that works for all

Suitable for
Anyone in a conflict or dispute, or one that is starting to emerge, eg a working relationship that has broken down (it could be between a manager/staff), before or in parallel with formal proceedings. Conflict resolution packages work particularly well when those involved would benefit from a blend of different approaches, eg mediation + coaching + facilitation.
Not suitable for
Situations where not everyone involved would like to take part in conflict resolution.
Statistics from CEDR indicate that 72% of mediations settle on the day of the mediation and a further 21% settle shortly afterwards.
Mediation provides a structured framework to work through disputes constructively and reach a settlement agreement. Disputes may be long standing and emotions running high. Pip talks through the issues with each party to understand their perspectives. She works collaboratively to identify where there may be areas of agreement and where the sticking points are, so that those can be addressed and resolved. Pip is pragmatic and creative; she takes a problem-solving approach to reach an agreed conclusion. After a career in conflict hotspots and is unfazed by challenging dynamics, including power imbalances, high emotion and combative approaches. She is resilient and remains focused on the objective of the achieving a positive result for all parties.
We offer both online and face-to-face mediation, circumstances permitting. Online mediation has expanded significantly since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic and is likely to remain an option for mediations in the long term. For many people involved in a conflict, using online mediation may be preferable – you can engage in mediation in the comfort and safety of your own home.
The package includes:
- A draft mediation agreement and a final copy for signature
- Pre-mediation contact by Zoom or telephone
- Zoom coaching call, if requested
- Reasonable pre-reading; mediation for two parties
- In-person support includes travel time of up to 1 hour
- Mediation for more than two parties incurs an additional charge.

Suitable for
Conflicts and disputes where everyone involved would like to move on and resolve the issues; businesses who want a more formal process and agreement to record changes; individuals involved in a conflict who would benefit from a structured approach to give them a chance to air their views, be heard and reach an agreement on the issues.
Not suitable for
Situations where not all those involved in the conflict want to take part.

Conflict Coaching
Conflict coaching helps people to effectively engage in and manage conflict they are involved in. It is a one-to-one voluntary and confidential process that combines mediation and coaching principles. Conflict coaching can be a starting point for effective and productive discussions about issues of dispute. It is particularly helpful in conflicts where emotions are running high and/or where only one party would like to participate. Pip also provides follow-up support, with a further call after a month has passed.
Conflict coaching is provided using Zoom or telephone. If you would like to discuss in-person conflict coaching, please contact us here
Suitable for
People who want to improve their conflict management skills; situations when only one person in a dispute wants to mediate (so the mediation cannot take place).
Not suitable for
Situations where additional services would be useful, eg conflict resolution training for a full team experiencing negative conflict.
Dispute Resolution Advice
We provide advice and support to anyone managing people. If you would like to discuss how to manage conflict better – we can review where there are opportunities for early conflict resolution in your organisation. The objective is to maximise the opportunities for issues to be raised, before they start to cause problems. We can provide tailored support and training to managers, teams and individuals as needed.
The package includes:
- Specific advice for your circumstances
- Reasonable preparation and reading
- Advice including Zoom and/or telephone calls and/or in person meetings
- Written work to support changes in your organisation
- In-person support includes travel time of up to one hour.

Suitable for
Businesses who would like bespoke advice to address specific conflict issues within their organisation; organisations who would like to refresh their internal processes to pre-empt work-place conflicts becoming negative.
Not suitable for
Situations where an active conflict is underway and those involved want to resolve it quickly through mediation.
Conflict Resolution Training
We run short workshops for teams seeking to understand and manage conflict better. Improving how you manage workplace conflict can save you time, money and stress. Not only that, but, managed well, conflict leads to the discussion of issues that must be resolved for people to work together and innovate.
The package includes:
- Training packages are tailored to each situation
- We deliver workshops, covering conflict dynamics, individual conflict styles and tips for conflict resolution
- We also deliver a full day training event, providing scope for teams to practice recognising conflict styles and working through scenarios to practice their conflict resolution skills
- Training is delivered remotely via Zoom or in-person

Suitable for
Businesses who want to save time, money and stress by improving their internal mechanisms to manage disagreements; teams who want to improve the way they manage different perspectives; anyone who wants to improve their conflict management skills.
Not suitable for
On-going disputes where individual support and/or where a more structured mediation is needed.

International Conflict Advice
Pip continues to provide advice and support to organisations delivering programmes in conflict-affected countries. Tailored and well-timed advice that addresses thorny challenges in policy and programming can help teams unlock issues and make progress more effectively. Pip has developed expertise in security and stabilisation in conflict environments. Specific areas of expertise covered include counter violent extremism, counter terrorism, security sector reform, stabilisation and programme design and delivery. International experience includes Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia and Lebanon.
Conflict Resolution & Mediation Services
- Prices cover up to 8 hours of mediation/conflict resolution support for two participants. For each additional person, add 25%.
- Co-mediation is recommended for groups larger than four.
- Services after 6 PM are charged at £150/hour (shared between participants).
- VAT is not chargeable on these services.
Get in touch
If you would like to discuss your requirements, I would be very happy to arrange a complimentary, no-commitment call to understand your situation and review the options.

Frequently Asked Questions
Conflict is expensive. Taking a proactive approach to conflict and dispute resolution can save you money directly (e.g. saved legal fees) and indirectly (e.g. through your team’s productivity).
Conflict also takes time and management effort. Acas estimate formal dispute procedures cost an average of £1000 in management time.
And it can cause stress, which could lose your business good staff. Creating an environment that allows differences of opinion to be aired in a constructive team allows you to make the most of your team’s expertise. Giving people the opportunity to work through what is causing concern can reduce stress. We will provide a safe, secure environment that allows people to communicate freely. We focus those involved on the issues and needs of each person in the dispute.
Staff shortages mean that it is increasingly important to ensure that your business is well-placed to appeal to the people you need in your organisation. Having the organisational culture and structure in place to manage conflicts better as they arise and resolve them before they escalate can be a one of the factors that staff take into account when choosing their next job. By making this a positive part of your working culture, you can attract and retain the brightest and the best staff.
The bottom line is that getting issues resolved early can save you time, money and stress.
Many of us struggle to deal with conflict constructively. Most of us react instinctively when we perceive we are under threat; the ‘fight or flight’ amygdala reaction doesn’t always serve us well in the workplace or with our professional relationships. That can get in the way of doing a good job, and managing your teams and external contacts well.
When conflict is handled badly, it can be expensive for a business through the loss of productivity, increased management time – and it can mean that businesses struggle to attract the staff they need. It makes business-sense to address this.
It can be challenging to use conflict in a positive way, but it isn’t impossible. Doing so can strengthen relationships and give your business the benefit from multiple perspectives. But when you are in the middle of a conflict, or you can see a situation brewing, it isn’t always easy to manage your reactions and avoid getting defensive. As an external person to the conflict, Pip can create the environment for differences to be discussed, heard and issues resolved. We can also help you develop your conflict management techniques so that you are better equipped to recognise and manage conflict situations.
We describe our packages of support as ‘Conflict Resolution Packages’ because they can cover a range of different services including mediation, coaching, advice, training and facilitation. The aim is to resolve the issues that are causing conflict. To do this, we speak to those involved to identify and understand the issues. We will then suggest and agree an approach with you.
Conflict coaching supports one or more people in a conflict to manage the situation better. Often this means working through a strategy to cope with the effects of conflict on themselves, and to approach the conflict issues differently.
Mediation is a way to work through disagreements with the help of an external person, allowing those involved to move on. Mediation is a structured process to identify and resolve a conflict, involving two or more people. The mediation may take place over one day, or we may agree to sequence a series of shorter sessions over, for example, a couple of weeks.
Mediation is voluntary – it can only take place if everyone agrees to take part.
Mediation is impartial – the mediator treats both parties equally.
Mediation is neutral – the mediator is outside the dispute.
Mediation is confidential – everything that is said is confidential and not discussed with the other parties. The mediator will not disclose the details discussed unless there is something that you have specifically asked them to tell the other party.
Mediation can improve communication between people and rebuild relationships that have broken down.
A mediator is the person who manages the mediation process. The role of the mediator is to facilitate the discussions. They never take sides or tell the parties what to do. Instead, they help the participants reach a solution that they are happy with, which is then set out into a written agreement. The mediator is in control of the process and the parties are responsible for the outcome.
Pip has a long track record of working with conflict – on an individual level, for organisations and internationally. Pip founded Conflict Insights because she wanted to use her conflict experience to work with people closer to home. Pip is a strong believer that conflicts don’t need to cause the harm they often do. She is committed to supporting you to manage conflict better.
Pip is a CEDR-accredited workplace, civil and commercial mediator. She is a Civil Mediation Council registered mediator (civil, commercial and workplace. Pip provides conflict resolution services to a range of organisations. She continues to work as a voluntary mediator for local community disputes.
We are confident that we can add value to your organisation at any stage. If you are noting that issues are starting to escalate into a conflict, and/or there is an active conflict underway, we will support those involved to resolve the issues. If you are fortunate enough not to be experiencing any conflict issues at the moment, we will work with you to develop internal procedures that give scope for disagreements to be aired and managed constructively.
We appreciate that each individual involved is unique and that each business and situation is different. We will work with you to understand the issues of concern to you, so that those can be addressed. Pip’s clients often comment on her ability to establish a strong rapport with those she works with. Pip does this by taking a genuine interest in understanding the issues and impact on the people involved.
Our support is provided in confidentially. This means that we treat every conversation as confidential. Any information that you would like us to share with anyone else is specifically agreed.
We treat your data carefully and respectfully. We store information on secure systems and only use it for the purposes we have agreed. If you decide not to move forward with our services, any personal data held by us will be deleted within a month. If we have provided support, we will retain your information for six months after the completion of our services and then destroy all files and personal details.
The length of support varies for each case and can be tailored to the specifics of your situation.
Conflict Insights is based in Hove, East Sussex. We provide our services to organisations across the country and internationally.
Contact us here to arrange your consultation call.